San Diego Civic Map




The San Diego Union-Tribune is moving toward creating a multi-layered Intranet map of the Eastlake community. Right now, this map exists at just one newsroom computer station. Once the Intranet is up and running, any staff member, anywhere, could click on to the map.

Eastlake Places

Vons (Grocery Store) & Other Bizs in shopping Center
Managers connect people with community information:
Fliers- yard sale, bike tour, Kosovo donations
Q&A- Ask a ? They’ll find an answer
(Talk to Bob- he knows more)Community Pools
Gossip, very grassroots, compare experiences
PTA (HS, 2 Elem.)
Very active parents- info on the chief concern of most residents





Private exchange among residents (but developer might give you password)
Permit apps online
Other rules (“pseudo govt. info”)


Other Places:
Home finding center
Eastlake P.A.C.
Eastlake Community Church
(Biz Park)
Little League field
CafŽ Tazza

Eastlake People

Who lives in Eastlake?
Majority are families (Only 10% with no kids)
“Tired parents”
Two workers
Kids in school
Younger adults/parents
Some retirees
Why do they live there?
Schools. Schools. Did we say schools?
Attracted to new development/homes
Promise of planned development
Safety of Community
Sense of Community
What do we know?
Very interested in schools
Attend PTA (but not Home Owners Association)
Turned to developer when city wouldn’t provide recreation
Attracted to any place with kid activities- Eastlake Church
Seek out community wherever they can find it
Pools, Vons market, Church, Schools, Website

Eastlake Leadership

Who do residents turn to?
Supe- Greg Cox
Mayor- Shirley H.
At-Large Council- list members
Chula Vista Elementary
Home Owners Association (HOA)
Often turn first to leadership of their part of development
Neighborhood disputes
Compliance, “quality of life” issues
“Natasha” (Common Catalyst)
Lives there, works there for EDC, active in ed. foundation, on her HOA- connected in almost all ways
Land, $, information, events, activities
Vested interest in sense of community

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