Cyber Mapping, Anniston, AL 2000
The Anniston Star
The paper sought to become more interactive by creating new opportunities for reader exchanges through its online service, and it made some strides in that direction, but technical difficulties kept reporters from taking full advantage of the project’s potential.
The paper gathered about 800 e-mail addresses for a “cyber-map” to complement its civic map of community sources. However, the database has not been used as a reporting tool. Online editor Geni Certain explained the information was centralized on one newsroom computer so reporters did not have easy access to it and never got into the habit of using it.
The paper has continued to work on creating the online discussion groups and forums it hoped for. Working with the three other newspapers owned by its parent company, Consolidated Publishing, it has mounted an online message board for discussions about news events. Certain said regular users of the board reflect a “great sense of community on that board,” referring to themselves as “we” when discussing the views expressed on the board.
Chris Waddle
Executive Editor
The Anniston Star
P.O. Box 189
Anniston, AL 36202-0189
Phone: (256) 235-9208