Across Generations: What We Owe Each Other, St. Paul, MN 1996
St. Paul Pioneer Press
Wilder Research Center
Following up on the success of its “Safer Cities” project, the paper focused on intergenerational conflict with the eight-week, 14-part series “Across Generations: What Do We Owe Each Other?” First, a poll of 1,528 adults in the Twin Cities area showed some of the differences between people of different generations – young people, for example, were less likely to have a religious preference. Then a team of reporters explored the topic through “immersion reporting” – spending long periods of time with interview subjects in places such as nursing homes or day-care centers to create more trust and avoid superficial, sound-bite quotes.
The paper also invited readers to share their stories of intergenerational connections, generating more than 200 responses. A class of eighth graders was given cameras to document a special relationship with an older person. These elements were included in the package, which began running Nov. 10, 1996. The package also included suggestions for closing generational gaps – such as adopting a grandparent or creating a family history book or video – and a clip-and-send coupon for readers to pledge to take action to create connections between generations.
The paper sponsored a four-hour intergenerational dialogue at the Mall of America, attracting some 70 people of all ages. It also distributed more than 2,000 “tool kits” with tips and suggestions for connecting with different generations.
Walker Lundy
St. Paul Pioneer Press
345 Cedar St.
St. Paul, MN 55101-1057
Phone: (612) 228-5480
Brett Benson, Project Leader
St. Paul Pioneer Press
345 Cedar St.
St. Paul, MN 55101-1057
Phone: (612) 228-5438
Kay Harvey
St. Paul Pioneer Press
345 Cedar St.
St. Paul, MN 55101-1057
Phone: (612) 228-8468
Kate Parry
St. Paul Pioneer Press
345 Cedar St.
St. Paul, MN 55101-1057
Phone: (612) 228-5400