A Journalist’s Toolbox will help reporters, editors and producers ask better questions, find better sources, discover new stories and report them better. Tapping civic life is about how to find out what’s happening in your community that should be reflected in your news reports.
It draws on the techniques and experiences of working journalists at The Charlotte Observer, The Orange County Register, the Tampa Tribune, the Virginian-Pilot and Tampa’s WFLA-TV. It builds on the work of Richard Harwood, President of the Harwood Institute for Public Innovation, who has served as a consultant for many news organizations and has conducted Civic Mapping Seminars for the Pew Center for Civic Journalism.
Interviewing: New Questions, Better Stories – TRANSCRIPT
How a reporter asks questions can influence the answers. Learn interviewing techniques journalists can use to produce stories that “ring true” to readers and viewers. See how one type of question can “shut down” an interview and another “open up” a conversation. Discover the one question that will improve almost every interview. TRT: 14:17
Full Transcript of the Robert Lane Interview
Framing a Story: What’s It Really About? – TRANSCRIPT
News is more than just conflict or controversy. Journalists who cover two sides of a story and believe it’s balanced may be shortchanging themselves and their readers. Discover why stories that identify tensions or patterns may be more accurate, more interesting and more engaging to readers and viewers. TRT: 13:21
Finding Third Places: Other Voices, Different Stories – TRANSCRIPT
There is a lot of news in communities that reporters don’t often visit. Find out how to spot “third places” in these communities and then use them as entry points to acquire useful information and sources. Develop the skills to tap into the conversations of people not in your Rolodex and enlist them as sources. TRT: 13:20
Tapping Your Community: What Don’t You Know? – TRANSCRIPT
You can develop beats and get better news coverage by systematically tapping ordinary people who are knowledgeable about their community. See how news organizations are using civic mapping techniques and other skills to improve coverage and break stories. TRT: 12:52
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