An Unconventional New Tool: Dialogue Connects Readers with Suffering Children
The Orange County Register's Laura Saari let children do the talking as they gave readers insight on their impoverished world as "motel children."
The Orange County Register's Laura Saari let children do the talking as they gave readers insight on their impoverished world as "motel children."
The St. Louis Post-Dispatch invites readers to help "Imagine St. Louis" in regular conversations in the Sunday paper on topics ranging from education to plans for a new bridge.
The first series of Civic Mapping Seminars, co-sponsored by the Pew Center and The Harwood Institute, challenged the participating journalists to find the third places - and the catalysts and connectors - in a community.
The Philadelphia Daily News, the tabloid with an attitude, takes a hard look at Philadelphia’s future and creates a dialogue with both readers and public officials about what they can do. By Pat Ford.
The L.A. Times looked at the problem of literacy and asked, "What can we do?" Pat Ford examines how the paper is customizing the Baltimore Sun’s "Reading by 9" initiative.
The LA Times has a problem and is using civic journalism to help solve it. Excerpts from the remarks of Mark Willes, Publisher and CEO of Times Mirror Co, to an Oct 15, 1998, meeting of journalists sponsored by the Pew Center and The Atlantic Monthly magazine in New York City.
The Spokesman Review designed coverage around an Aryan Nations march that triggered community discussion and action - and a threat to the paper.
Students unearthed some surprising civic spaces on assignment at The Missourian. By George Kennedy, University of Missouri.