Bringing New Immigrants into the Debate
The St. Paul Pioneer Press opened a dialogue with the community about the "New Face of Minnesota." Pat Ford reports on the paper's civic coverage of the community impact of a growing immigrant population.
The St. Paul Pioneer Press opened a dialogue with the community about the "New Face of Minnesota." Pat Ford reports on the paper's civic coverage of the community impact of a growing immigrant population.
An update on how the Civic Mapping Seminars and the techniques of civic mapping have improved newsroom reflexes and daily journalism. By Pat Ford.
Laura Tutor of The Anniston Star reports on how the paper provided a forum for the community to voice their concerns on a proposed school system merger.
How do you bring a major story down to the neighborhood level? The Virginian-Pilot found a way to bring home its hurricane coverage with an innovative flood map. By Pat Ford.
The Spokesman-Review adds a new tabloid insert to the paper built on the principles of civic journalism with most of the content provided by members of the community. By Pat Ford.
The debate over growth in Kentucky's "bluegrass country" had come down to a bumper sticker war: "Growth is Good" vs. "Growth Destroys Bluegrass Forever." With the two sides so starkly drawn, the Lexington Herald-Leader had to dig to find what the community could agree on. By Pat Ford.
An ongoing series detailing the lives of Maine teenagers by the Portland Press Herald is providing insight for adults, just as the companion website has given teens a sense of community. Jessica Tomlinson, Community Cooridinator, reports.
In the perfect marriage of the information highway and the actual highway, Dianne Whitacre, The Charlotte Observer's transportation reporter, tracks commuters on an electronic database that provides sources for every story on her beat. By Pat Ford.