New Sensibilities Always Vie With Old Habits
Pew Center Director Jan Schaffer says newsrooms may achieve more diversity by changing reporter's habits and reflexes and teaching them how to map their communities.
Pew Center Director Jan Schaffer says newsrooms may achieve more diversity by changing reporter's habits and reflexes and teaching them how to map their communities.
An ongoing series detailing the lives of Maine teenagers by the Portland Press Herald is providing insight for adults, just as the companion website has given teens a sense of community. Jessica Tomlinson, Community Cooridinator, reports.
Representatives of twelve media organizations were selected to take part the second year of Harwood Civic Mapping Seminars to learn better ways to probe the complex layers of their communities.
Ken Doctor of talks about how the web and the emergence of community publishing can empower today's citizens and community groups.
Frustrations over sprawl and stark differences in the views of minority and white respondents in a poll released by the Pew Center. By Pat Ford.