Front Porch Forum, Seattle, WA 1998
The Seattle Times
Following up on the 1997 mock trial on growth in the Puget Sound, the partners confronted longstanding assumptions about the issue with a series called, “Growth: Enough already?”
The mock jury in the 1997 “Puget Sound 2020” project had startled the partners by ignoring the common wisdom about growth – that it can’t be avoided; only managed. Participants said they favored stopping growth altogether. So the partners decided to explore whether that was really possible.
Beginning May 17, 1998, the partners produced stories exploring five broad themes: 1) Is growth inevitable? 2) Does growth pay for itself? Should it? 3) The impact of government economic development incentives. 4) Immigration and growth. 5) The birth rate and growth. Each installment invited reader feedback, which was published in subsequent issues or broadcasts.
In October, the partners gathered 30 demographically representative citizens from the region to discuss policy alternatives for managing growth. Three county Executives observed the session and offered comments afterward. Reporters included the citizen and politicians’ comments in a final wrap up report in the Times, Nov. 22 and on radio and television Nov. 23.
David Boardman
Assistant Managing Editor
The Seattle Times
PO Box 70
Seattle, WA 98111
Phone: (206) 464-2205
Marion Woyvodich
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Seattle, WA 98103-4405
Phone: (206) 522-5754
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