Millenium Leadership Project, WA 1999
The Front Porch Forum
The Seattle Times
The partners sought input from some 40 Seattle area citizens for a project exploring local leadership and what the consensus-loving region seeks in those who lead its public institutions. The partners hosted informal discussions with one group of people who head up leadership development programs and a second group of recognized leaders from Seattle’s communities of color. They also held two focus groups with residents to explore the topic.
The partners concluded that participants wanted leaders who show a willingness to take risks, creativity, confidence, commitment and humility. However, few participants could name any local leaders who embodied these traits or whom they felt were well qualified and positioned to lead the region in the future. Instead, they spoke of a lack of leadership on local issues, with more conservative participants believing the private sector was better equipped than the public sector to address these issues.
Reporters used the information to frame a series of stories that ran in The Times and on KUOW in the fall of 1999. The effort proved useful in covering breaking news, as well. When the Seattle police chief was forced to resign after protests disrupted the World Trade Organization meeting in 2000, the partners were able to report what the community was looking for in a new chief.
Marion Woyvodich
1138 North 82nd Street
Seattle, WA 98103-4405
Phone: (206) 522-5754