News Breaks: Can Journalists Fix It?
Award Winners
- Bradenton Herald (FL) for “Decision Downtown”
- Peoria Journal Star (IL) for “The Leadership Challenge”
- Rochester Democrat and Chronicle (NY) for “Make Us Safe: Teens Talk about Violence”
Symposium Keynote Address
Journalism: Broken, Unmoored from a Higher Calling
Ervin S. Duggan
Public Broadcasting Service
Ervin Duggan places perspective on Jim Batten’s commitment to journalism as stewardship, advancing the idea that civic journalism is an experiment that news organizations must under take to repair the state of news reporting in America.
Symposium Speeches
The Challenge Is to Reclaim Our Moral Authority, And Ask: How Do We Know What We Know?
Cole Campbell
St. Louis Post Dispatch
Cole Campbell discusses the courageous steps that both the community of journalists and his own paper must take to reclaim moral authority in a profession that has slipped into divisive patterns
We Need to Do It or They’ll Do It Themselves
Glenn Ritt
Vice President, News and Information
The Record, Hackensack, N.J.
Glenn Ritt talks about how innovative approaches to reaching your various audiences, including on-line and new media, can provide groups opportunities to participate in civic life.
Honorable Mentions
- The Riverside Press-Enterprise (CA) for “Through the Prism”
- The Kansas City Star for “Raising Kansas City- Democracy and the Next Generation”
- St. Paul Pioneer Press for “Across Generations: What We Owe Each Other”
Press Release
April 11, 1997
Three Newspapers Share Batten Prize For Outstanding Civic Journalism Efforts